How Can I Find a Disc Golf Crew in My Area?
Love This Game, But My Friends Don’t. How Can I Find a Disc Golf Crew in My Area?
What’s great about disc golf? Everything! It’s fun, it’s easy to learn, and it’s a sport you can play outdoors during any season of the year, even the winter. In fact, some enthusiasts even prefer playing in the winter because the game gets your heart moving and provides a perfect cure for cabin fever.
What’s not so great about disc golf? Nothing! Except…it’s not a sport you can easily play by yourself. When you hit the disc golf park, you need your specialized discs (not frisbees), a durable disc golf backpack, the right shoes and comfortable warm clothes. But you also need some others who are as excited about the game as you are. And ideally, it’s nice to have teammates and opponents who play at your level of skill and investment. If you don’t have these-- or you’re constantly trying to convince reluctant friends and family to join you-- the sport just isn’t as much fun.
If that describes your situation, there are plenty of resources you can use to seek out like minded players in your local area. The internet makes everything easier, so start there. Go to your local community Facebook page and post a request, or simply go to your search bar and type in “Looking for experienced/novice disc golf players in (insert your area)”. Chances are, you’ll get at least a few responses and you can discuss when and where to meet up.
But the internet isn’t your only option. You can also just get outside and go to your local disc golf park to practice and throw a few discs around. If your local disc golf course is like ours, it’s always populated by friendly and helpful people who can connect you with a team or social network of like minded players who offer what you’re looking for. Explore our site to learn more about the disc golf gear—and the fellow players—you’ll need to turn your budding interest into a genuine passion.